
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Grown Up Rice Krispy Treats

My kids love Rice Krispy Treats.  I wanted to make them something I would enjoy a little more.  
What could be better than adding Chocolate to them!
I have been making them for years this way.  It is a family tradition for the 4th of July.  We always have Rice Krispy Treats with Chocolate and Homemade Carmel Popcorn. (I will be post that recipe at a later date.)
This however is something I can make more often.  I made them for our Sunday dinner with my sisters family.  There were 4 adults and 3 teenagers.......  3 of us only got one.  When I went to sneak one a little later.  
The plate was empty! Yes they are that good.
I twist the Recipe from the box a little.  I like mine with a little more Marshmallow. 
Start by buttering a 13 X 18 Jelly roll pan/ large Cookie Sheet with a lip.
Melt Butter
Add Marshmallows and melt
Add Rice Krispy Cereal and mix gently until all the Mallow mixture is incorporate.
I put a little butter in the palm of my hand to keep the treat mixture from sticking to my hands.
Press the treats out flat, to fill the whole cookie sheet.
Cut in half
Melt the Chocolate in a double boiler.  Since I don't have one....  
I use a glass bowl over a pot of simmering water.  You can use the microwave oven. 
But don't say I didn't warn you! 
It is very easy to burn your chocolate.  Truth be told I did burn the first batch of chocolate and I ended up throwing out a wonderful bowl of 
chocolatey goodness..... : (
Melt until smooth and pour on half of the Rice Krispy treat.
Spread Chocolate over 1 side.  This will then be the "glue" that holds the treat together.
Gently press the top layer to get the chocolate to meld the 2 sides together.
When the chocolate hardens 
cut into squares and serve.  
My family can never wait 
they start cutting into it instantly.

Grown Up Rice Krispy Treats
(recipe by
7 cups Marshmallow
2 Tbsp Butter
9 cups Rice Krispy Cereal
1 1/2 cups Milk Chocolate Chips.  

Melt butter in a large pot.  Add Marshmallow  and cook over med heat until melted smooth.  Add Cereal and mix until mallow and cereal are combined.  Pour out onto a buttered jelly roll/cookie sheet and press down to fill every corner.  Cut in half and pour melted chocolate chips onto half of the treat.  Lift up the the unfrosted side and place on top of the chocolate half.  Gently press down to seal the two together.  Let chocolate harden and cut and eat!


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